Sasha Jones

Miss Sasha Jones

Curriculum and Staffing Committee, EYFS Governor

Sasha Jones joined the Governing Body in September 2024. She is currently the Head of Early Years Foundation Stage at Finton House School, an inclusive independent prep school in Wandsworth. Sasha’s teaching journey began at Skinners’ Kent Primary School, a newly established school in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, where she gained invaluable experience. Since then, she has worked across all year groups in the Lower School. Her dedication for education continued in her move to London, leading her to join Finton House in 2019. Sasha is excited to bring her wealth of Early Years expertise to Donhead.

Sara Mason

Mrs Sara Mason

Curriculum and Staffing Committee, SEND governor

Sara joined the governing body in September 2024. Her interests and expertise in curriculum design and teacher professional development will support her role on the staffing and curriculum committee. Sara works as an Education Consultant across London and the South West working with leadership teams to implement complete curriculum programmes as well as delivering training for the National Professional Qualification in Leading Primary Maths and supporting Early Career teachers as they embark on their careers.

Jane Mann

Mrs Jane Mann

Safeguarding, Pastoral and Chaplaincy Committee

Jane Mann became a governor in September 2024. She has been a member of the Donhead community since 2007 when her son joined the school. As a parent Jane was an active member of the Friends of Donhead.

Jane is married with two older daughters who attended a local independent Catholic girls’ preparatory school. Jane is delighted to be able to serve Donhead as a governor.

Ciara Jackson

Mrs Ciara Jackson

Finance & Operations Committee

Ciara joined the governing body in September 2024. She is a lawyer, specialising in political risk insurance, and works in private practice. With a son and a daughter at Donhead, Ciara is pleased to be able to support and develop the school.

Karen Keeton

Mrs Karen Keeton

Curriculum and Staffing Committee

Karen Keeton joined the governing body in January 2024. She is the Headteacher at Barlborough Hall School, a co-educational independent Jesuit day school. Karen began working at Barlborough as a class teacher in 2001 and became headteacher in 2017. Karen has led her school through many changes and inspections and has a wealth of experience in the field of Education. Her joy for working with young children shines through in everything she does, and she is proud to be a part of the life journey of our young children.

Karen is married with one daughter who is now in the secondary stage of her Jesuit schooling.

Gareth Moore

Dr Gareth Moore

Chair of Curriculum and Staffing Committee

Dr Moore was elected as a parent governor in 2021, and is proud to help represent the interests of parents to the governing body. He is a bestselling author who has written hundreds of books to help both children and adults develop their maths, reasoning and creative skills in fun ways via puzzles and activities, with his ‘Clever Kids’ series alone selling over a million copies. He has a strong technology background, with three degrees that include a Ph.D in artificial intelligence from Cambridge University.

Philip Gilbertson

Mr Philip Gilbertson

Deputy Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance & Operations Committee

Philip joined the governing body in 2022 as a Parent Governor, with two boys at Donhead. A Chartered Accountant in the Big Four, Philip has spent many years as an auditor and is currently in the General Counsel team, managing responses to regulatory and legal enquiries. Philip is passionate about developing people, has held a number of significant people management roles and became an accredited Executive Coach in 2020. He brings all this experience to the Finance and General Purposes Committee and is grateful to support and develop the Donhead community in this way.

Jan Quant

Mr Jan Quant

Chair of Governing Body

Jan Quant has been a Governor at Donhead since 2013. He first joined the Donhead community as a parent back in 2006. Professionally, he is a co-founder of an enterprise software business after an early career in the music industry. He is married with two sons (both Donhead alumni) & two daughters and enjoys tennis, travel and walking the dog.

To contact the Chair of Governors please email or by post via the school: Donhead Preparatory School 33 Edge Hill, Wimbledon SW19 4NP.

M Barnes SJ

Fr M Barnes SJ

Staffing, Pastoral and Chaplaincy Committee

Michael Barnes SJ was Head Boy at Donhead in the year of the school’s silver jubilee. Many years later, after teaching theology at Heythrop College in the University of London and working in interreligious relations in various settings, he has found a new and exciting niche as a very part-time addition to Donhead’s excellent chaplaincy team.

David Doran

Mr David Doran

Chair of Safeguarding, Pastoral and Chaplaincy Committee

David has been an RS Teacher at Wimbledon College for 30 years and is currently Head of Figures (Year 7). He has been in Jesuit Education since he started at Stonyhurst as a 13 year old in 1982! He is married with 2 sons who both attended Donhead. He enjoys reading, cycling and is the President of Old Wimbledonians RFC.

School Leadership Team
Catherine Hitchcock

Ms Catherine Hitchcock


Catherine has a strong vision for Donhead and has held various leadership and management roles for over 20 years in schools across London. She is committed to Catholic Education and her son attended Donhead. Catherine holds an MA and PGCE from Oxford University, as well as a Diploma in Education and a National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership from the Institute of Education. Catherine sits on the Surbiton High Local Governing Body as an EYFS Governor, has qualified as a Practitioner Coach with Leadership Edge and is training to be an ISI Team Inspector.

Kate Donaghy

Ms Kate Donaghy

Deputy Head, DSL, EYFS DSL, Head of EYFS

Kate is an experienced Deputy Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead. Since studying at St Mary’s University, Kate has taught in a variety of educational settings, including teaching abroad for a number of years. Kate is a Catholic Schools Inspector and an Early Careers Teacher Facilitator for The Wandle Teaching Hub and University College London; she leads training in the Merton Borough for teachers new to the profession.

Niamh Canavan

Miss Niamh Canavan

Assistant Headteacher Wellbeing and LP2C Form Teacher

Niamh studied a Bachelor of Education with a specialism in Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy at Dublin City University. She has spent a number of years teaching across primary school year groups, both in mainstream and in SEND roles in England, Ireland and New Zealand. She strives for the inclusion and appreciation of every type of learner in her class and is currently studying for an MA Education (Innovation and Change) with St Mary's University.

Amelia Murtagh

Mrs Amelia Murtagh


Amelia holds BSc and MSc in Business, Finance, Management & Statistics alongside professional Accountancy qualifications. Amelia spent 10 years working internationally for leading investment banks and consultancy firms. A Donhead parent since 2008, and a member of staff since 2010 Amelia has dedicated herself to the school. She combines her high-level expertise in Finance with her interest in the Education in her role as Bursar.

Shaun Anglim

Mr Shaun Anglim

Assistant Head Operations & Assessment, DDSL

Shaun graduated with a BSc and MA Education from St Mary's University. He came to Donhead after working in secondary education at The London Oratory School. Shaun has a vast experience of rugby playing and coaching, having contributed at County, Divisional and International level in the UK and abroad. He is a member of the Chartered College of Teaching.

Magdalena Plech-Blair

Miss Magdalena Plech-Blair

Assistant Headteacher Management, SENDCo

Magdelana comes from Poland where she gained her BA Education. She has worked across primary and secondary at both independent and state schools in a variety of different roles. Magdalena graduated with an MA Education (Special Educational Needs) at the University of Birmingham and holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination from Institute of Education (University College London). She also holds the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing and The British Psychological Society Test User.

Olivia Rodrigues

Mrs Olivia Rodrigues

Assistant Head Technology and Innovation, Head of Computing

Olivia has teaching experience at a range of day and boarding schools, both secondary and primary. She is passionate about developing an innovative, creative and fun Computing curriculum. She holds The British Computer Society Certificate in Computer Science Teaching, is a Microsoft Certified Educator Expert, a Minecraft Certified Educator, a Google Certified Educator and is a member of The British Computer Society and The Chartered College of Teaching. Olivia was appointed as a teacher ambassador for The iDEA (Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award) Award, one of only ten people in the world. She is also a Technical Reviewer for No Starch Press in California and a member of the Teacher Panel for Purple Mash. Olivia enjoys being part of The Oxford University Press Educational Research Forum and The CAS (Computing at School) Physical Computing Working Group.