A Jesuit School where children are honoured, cared for and believed in

It is written just inside the main entrance of Donhead Prep School that this is a place where children are honoured, cared for and believed in. Every child in this school must be cherished for who they are, a child of God. This school seeks to take care of the person, first and foremost. 'Cura Personalis' in action.

This school has a clear mission. It seeks to educate young men and women of competence, conscience and compassion, who can ultimately make a real difference in the world. Witnessing on a daily basis acts of compassion, examples of creativity, and demonstrations of curiosity really do underline the character education and character formation taking place here.

We seek to do our very best for every child here and encourage them to be the best that they can be not only in academic learning, but also in their development physically, socially, emotionally, creatively, and culturally. We do this by maintaining a broad and varied curriculum offering with specialist teachings and facilities, complimented by an extensive co-curricular offering and underpinned by a robust pastoral support system.

We believe strongly that you must educate the mind, the heart and the soul together and that no one part is of more importance than the others. We want every child in this school to be the very best that they can be, in all aspects of their personal development, so that, ultimately, they will make the biggest difference they can make.

If what you have read so far inspires you, please do arrange a visit and come and visit our wonderful school. We firmly believe that the happiest children make the best progress.

Children at Donhead are educated in an environment which allows them to grow and develop in a community, where they feel valued, and which offers them great support as well as challenge. Our children leave the school equipped for senior school, for the world beyond and having made friends for life.

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent

ISI inspection, June 2017